Bach Bibliography
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Author : Chafe, Eric T.
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Chafe, Eric T.Agricola's Score of Bach's St. Matthew Passion. [p]AMS_Allegheny Dec 1979
2. Chafe, Eric T.Key Structure and Tonal Allegory in J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. [p]AMS_Denver Nov 1980
3. Chafe, Eric T.Key structure and tonal allegory in the Passions of J. S. Bach: an introduction. CurMcol 31 1981 39-54
4. Chafe, Eric T.J. S. Bach's 'St. Matthew Passion': Aspects of Planning, Structure, and Chronology. JAMSoc 35 1 Spring 1982 49-114
5. Chafe, Eric T.Allegorical Music: The 'Symbolism' of Tonal Language in the Bach Canons. JMcol 3 4 Autumn 1984 340-362
6. Chafe, Eric T.Luther's 'Analogy of Faith' in Bach's Church Music. Dialog 24 2 Spring 1985 96-101
7. Chafe, Eric T.Schweig, Taumelnde Vernunft: Faith Contra Reason in the Bach Cantatas. [p]AMS_NewEngland Apr 1986
8. Chafe, Eric T.The St John Passion: theology and musical structure. BachStud 1 1989 75-112
9. Chafe, Eric T.Tonal Allegory in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach. 1991 x, 449p
10. Chafe, Eric T.Bach's First Two Leipzig Cantatas: A Message for the Community. [fs]Scheide 1993 71-86
11. Chafe, Eric T.'Anfang und Ende': Cyclic Recurrence in Bach's Cantata 'Jesu, nun sei gepreiset', BWV 41. BachPerspectives 1 1995 103-134
12. Chafe, Eric T.The Phrygian Mode in the Chorale Cantatas. [p]IATB_Chicago Sep 1997
13. Chafe, Eric T.Bach's bassetchen compositions: a theological interpretation. [p]IATB_Logumkloster Oct 1999
14. Chafe, Eric T.Analyzing Bach Cantatas. 2000 xvii, 286p
15. Chafe, Eric T.Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-1-Sho: Bach no Ongaku ni okeru Shingaku to Ongaku no Allegory. BCJ 48 May 2001 33-39
16. Chafe, Eric T.Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-1-Sho: Bach no Ongaku ni okeru Shingaku to Ongaku no Allegory (tsuzuki.) BCJ 49 Jun 2001 39-47
17. Chafe, Eric T.Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-1-Sho: Bach no Ongaku ni okeru Shingaku to Ongaku no Allegory (tsuzuki.) BCJ 51 Feb 2002 46-51
18. Chafe, Eric T.Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-2-Sho: Bach-Goblet: Kaishakugaku-teki Approach. BCJ 53 Apr 2002 41-54
19. Chafe, Eric T.Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-2-Sho: B-A-C-H: Namae no uchi ni himerareta mono (tsuzuki). BCJ 56 Sep 2002 39-47
20. Chafe, Eric T.Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-2-Sho: B-A-C-H: Namae no uchi ni himerareta mono (tsuzuki). BCJ 57 Feb 2003 28-41
21. Chafe, Eric T.Bach and Hypocrisy: Appearance and Truth in Cantatas 136 and 179. [p]CWolff_Harvard Sep 2005
22. Chafe, Eric T.Bach and Hypocrisy: Appearance and truth in Cantatas 136 and 179. HarvardPubM 22 2008 121-143

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita